latest articles

The Role of AI in Enhancing Customer Experience at Dealerships
In the rapidly evolving automotive industry, artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way dealerships operate, creating a seamless and enhanced customer experience. From personalized...
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Building a customer–centric culture: The foundation for Quality and Satisfaction
In today’s competitive business landscape, customer satisfaction is more crucial than ever.  A key driver of CX is Quality, which can only be achieved and sustained through a customer-centric...
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Distraction: The Greatest Killer of Success
In the modern world, distractions are omnipresent. From the constant buzz of smartphones to the lure of social media, our ability to stay focused is under siege. The phrase “Distraction...
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Unlocking Time Wealth: Mastering Efficiency in the Contemporary Workplace
In today’s fast-paced world of professional endeavors, time is undoubtedly one of our most precious resources. How we utilize it can significantly impact our productivity, job...
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Harnessing the Influence: The Impact of Words on Workplace Culture
In the fast-paced world of professional work culture, where deadlines loom large and expectations run high, the importance of motivation cannot be overstated. Teams are the backbone...
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Unveiling the Roadmap to Automotive Retail Success
In the dynamic landscape of the automotive retail market, understanding consumer preferences is paramount for success. With advancements in technology, changes in lifestyle, and evolving...
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  Who am I & Why am I here ?

As knowledge workers we spend numerous hours every day within our digital environment; computers, laptops, smartphones, and the web to seek or engage with Information


information is the fundamental building block of everything we do no matter what our formal role is; for the past few decades, as and when required, I have graciously accepted all the valuable information’s out there in the web. irrespective of any subject, if I want to check on something, the first and foremost place to look for it is in the web, started from the late 90’s on windows desktop pc’s till now and counting in the form of modern age smart gadgets, it’s been like a ritual day in and day out. 


we always be wary of accumulating so much  information that we spend all our time managing it, instead of putting it to use in the outside world.


So this is an attempt to share, that little knowledge, as a courtesy towards the infinite number of people whom I graciously thank for all that I have learned, achieved and mastered out from this platform, in fact it is truly because of your unconditional knowledge sharing and the speed of advancement in technology in our era which has never happened in the world ever before. 



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